frequently asked Questions

Download your files

If you only purchase the digital download, you will only receive the image to download, not a physical product , you can then take this image to the nearest print shop and have it printed there.

When does my order arrive?

Depending on the delivery location, your order should be with you in 3-5 business days.

How much does shipping cost?

We cover shipping on every order :) You only pay the price shown, so there are no hidden costs.

Can I return my order?

We do not support returns as products are personalized and made specifically for each order. However, if you are not satisfied with the product quality, please contact us within 14 days of receiving the item. If our quality assurance confirms your claim, we will send you a free replacement or refund your money. If orders are defective or damaged, we will cover the costs of a new order. For lost orders, please contact us within 14 days of the estimated delivery date and we will send you a replacement.
Contact us via email ( or social media (@96posters), we will respond within 48 hours.

My question is not here

No problem, you can contact us at any time by email ( or on social media (@96posters) and we will respond within 48h.